Senior care pricing is on the rise and doing so in a dramatic fashion. Labor shortages and increased demand for services has led to a substantial increase. Continue below to understand the importance of preventive exercise from a health and financial standpoint. There will come a time in which senior care is too costly for […]
Our partner, VALD recently published normative reports accessible to clients and we came to an intriguing thought. If someone found themselves in the 50th percentile as an adult and maintained that strength, where would they be in their latter (senior) years? View our breakdown below!
Power output is now considered one of, if not the, most highly regarded metric when predicting overall longevity, healthspan and independence. It is well understood that the greater one’s absolute and relative power output, the greater the chances of them continuing to live and independent, active life. Of course, extraneous variables may alter this outcome. […]
Healthcare might not be what it was once, and it may never be the same. Healthcare continues to evolve. The corona virus pandemic swept the globe in 2020 and marked several changes within the healthcare landscape. One said change that has come to light is the private caregiver hired by families to care for a […]
Many will tell you it’s cheaper to stay at home with regard to the aging process. While others will tell you it’s more cost efficient to move into a senior living community. Depending on geographic location, caregiver pool, competition in the area, and necessary care, prices are going to vary. One thing that can be […]
Life expectancy is often referred as one of the metrics we utilize to define health status and healthcare in the United States. Unfortunately, this may be one of the most misleading statistics to date. Let Me Tell You Why A great deal of discussion revolves around life expectancy being skewed early on due to child […]
Finding a solution as the right type of care for a loved one is challenging for many families. Among two of the most popular options today include adult day centers or in-home senior care. Adult Day Center Adult day centers (ADC) have become increasingly popular over the years. These centers are designed for aging individuals […]
Respite care is a great option for many families and it comes in a number of different forms! Respite care is designed to give the family caregiver a break. Many family caregivers feel they must provide care at all times. The truth is, care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not sustainable. […]
Recall how there was not a discussion regarding the changes in Mom and Dad at thanksgiving. Well now, those changes have escalated and now the rush begins to move Mom and Dad into a senior living community. Wait! Do not rush this process. Senior living is far more complicated than many believe and it is […]