Whether it be an excerpt on the news, or a physician mentioning squats and deadlifts are unsafe, they are wrong a million times over. Here’s a tip, if your physician says squats and deadlifts are bad, it’s time for a new doctor.
A movement such as the squat has taken a bad wrap over the years. Many have this notion that squats, performed to a complete range of motion are damaging to the knees and lower back. However, many studies have proven the non-believers to be incorrect.
Squatting is an essential movement to everyday life. Each and every time one stands from any sort of surface they have just completed a squat. Imagine a world in which that task becomes difficult. Ah ha! There it is, now we are talking about one of the most common complaints among those over 65 years of age, rising from a chair.
What happens when an individual no longer rises from a chair? Exactly, they stay in that chair longer and longer each and every day. Overall this leads to a sedentary lifestyle that will cause even greater harm. Afterall, sitting is the new smoking.
Performing the squat on an everyday basis will not only allow for continued activity, but it will also reduce lower back pain. Overtime, as the squat is performed, the gluteus muscles (buttock) continue to develop strength. This strength will, in turn, remove pressure from the lower back that may have been persistent for a number of years.
The deadlift has also taken a bad wrap because many perform the movement incorrectly. This, like all things when performed incorrectly leads to injury. Many know an individual or have heard a story of an individual injuring their back while performing a deadlift. Unfortunately, it simply means the proper supervision was not involved, or the individual was not properly educated on the movement before beginning.
Similar to the squat, a deadlift holds everyday application. The deadlift itself is merely lifting an object from the floor. How often is that done on an everyday basis? Exactly, quite often. Many stories have been shared about individuals who have lifted laundry baskets, animal crates, garden equipment, you name it, and felt some sort of back pain. More often than not, it is because it was lifted incorrectly.
Many individuals already live with back pain, it is said 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their life. A movement, such as the deadlift, can be life changing for those living with chronic pain. The musculature systems involved in the deadlift become stronger and more stable as progress continues.
Living with lower back discomfort is often one of the most frustrating pain points. It is an annoyance in everyday life and makes simple tasks more challenging. Put an end to lower back pain, implement squats and deadlifts into your exercise routine. Again, these movements are effective when performed correctly. Be sure you are doing so in a way that will not cause more harm.
If you are in need of assistance, reach out to us directly!